ISLANDA: parti come volontario per scoprire la magia dell’aurora boreale, tra cultura, “ristrutturazioni” e impegno sociale

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ISLANDA: parti come volontario per scoprire la magia dell’aurora boreale, tra cultura, “ristrutturazioni” e impegno sociale

ISLANDA: parti come volontario per scoprire la magia dell’aurora boreale, tra cultura, “ristrutturazioni” e impegno sociale

Periodo: 23 ottobre 2 novembre 2019

Youth Action for Peace Italia è un’associazione nazionale ed internazionale, laica, non governativa e senza fini di lucro, fondata nel 1970, membro dei network di volontariato internazionali: CCIVS – Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service e ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations. Si collega ad altre piattaforme, reti e associazioni operative nell’ambito del servizio volontario, dell’educazione e della solidarietà internazionale al fine di creare azioni e progetti inseriti in una strategia di lungo periodo che possa sviluppare un’azione duratura di sviluppo sociale.

Rispetto alle sue finalità, ricerca 16 volontari per un progetto che vedrà impegnati i partecipanti in attività di ristrutturazione di una casa che accoglie volontari provenienti da tutto il mondo.

Richiesta la conoscenza della lingua inglese.


During this workcamp, volunteers will deal with different tasks related to renovation and maintenance of our house in Stodvarfjordur in the east of Iceland. The work will depend on the skills and knowledge of each volunteer, but focuses mainly on tasks such as painting, cleaning, fixing small things, and does not require basic knowledge of carpentry or construction. During winter in Iceland the accommodations are prepared for the summer. This camp is extremely important for us and for our summer volunteers. If the weather conditions are good, we will also help the local community with various kind of environmental work. In addition to the work, winter in Iceland also means AURORA HUNTING. If you like photography, having an amazing time with friends from all over the world and the Northern lights, this camp will suit you perfectly. We will be on the lookout for Aurora borealis at night throughout the whole camp, so you will have the opportunity to take photos of this amazing and unique phenomenon. It is very important to bring your camera with you (only cameras that work in long exposure will catch those lights), and don t forget your tripod. The photos will be of your personal use, but we will also keep the best photos and use them in our brochures, on the website and on social media.

Accomodation and food

Worldwide Friends volunteers will be staying in the WF house in Stodvarfjordur. The house is almost 500 m2 with several dormitories, big living room and another smaller one, two fully equipped kitchens, four showers and five toilets. Beds are provided; however, volunteers should bring their own warm sleeping bags or borrow one from WF if they don t want to bring it. Wireless internet access is provided free of charge. Food is included for the duration of the workcamp, however, everyone is expected to do their fair share of the cooking and cleaning. Since it is always nice to try new and different dishes, volunteers are encouraged to bring along their favourite recipes from home. Please keep in mind that usually we have around 20 to 25 international volunteers in the house at the same time

Location and leisure

The area in the east is also good for hiking, so please bring your hiking shoes.WF Iceland will organise reasonably-priced weekend excursions to some of the most popular, beautiful areas and natural wonders that Iceland has to offer. Excursions include unique Icelandic sights, such as waterfalls, volcanic and geothermal areas, glaciers, lava forests, hot-springs, rhyolite mountain ranges, steam-vents or even icebergs. Take a look at  We will also concentrate on intercultural learning and exchange. Every evening, volunteers from different countries will be in charge of presenting their country of origin and culture in an informal way. It can be a presentation, a game, theatre i the form of introduction is up to you Therefore, we encourage you to bring along some food, photos or anything interesting related to your country for a fun and informative evening amongst other volunteers. This workcamp gives you the opportunity to spend an amazing time in Iceland with other international volunteers and to have an incredible experience where participants share their knowledge with each other while exploring creativity, environmental issues and intercultural learning.Keep in mind: If you own a camera and a tripod, please bring those with you. You can also bring your laptop, as it can come in handy. In addition, please bring warm clothes with you since we are going to spend our time in an isolated place where the temperatures can get very low. If possible, please bring along traditional food, photos or anything interesting related to your country for intercultural evenings.

Project hosted by

Scoured by Ice Age glaciers, the dramatic east coast boasts long, narrow fjords with steep sides and jagged peaks which contrast with inland fertile farmlands. Natural harbours depict postcard-like fishing villages and seemingly never-ending roads cross the region, providing beautiful views. This is one of the best places in Iceland to see the northern lights (Aurora borealis). Fjaroabyggo is an association of villages in the Eastern fjords of Iceland. It includes the towns of Eskifjorour, Faskruosfjorour, Mjoifjorour, Neskaupstaour, Reyoarfjorour Breiodalsvik and Stoovarfjorour, all tiny fishing villages with steep mountains towering just behind the houses. In this area, you will see some of the features that make Iceland a unique place in the world: spectacular fjords with a rich sea life, a great variety of birdlife and countless breathtaking hiking paths. There is an extra participation fee of 450 euros for this workcamp. The fee includes the trip from Reykjavik to Stodvarfjordur and back again which is almost 1,400 km in total and takes 2 full days (the first day of the camp and the last one). On the way to the camp, we will drive through the south to the east of the island. After the camp, we will drive through the north and west to Reykjavik (if road conditions are favourable). This trip includes several stops where you will discover unique Icelandic sights, such as glacial lagoons, waterfalls, volcanic and geothermal areas, glaciers, lava fields, hot-springs, rhyolite mountain ranges, steam-vents or even icebergs.

Meeting point

The meeting point will be on the first day of the camp 23/10/2019 at 08.00 am in Tjarnargata 11 – Reykjavik, in front of the City Hall.

Additional comments

Fee includes the transportation to/from the meeting point – in total 1.400 km. Attention: we may have cats and a dog in our houses in the East and in the outskirts of Reykjavik.


Travel Information Document as provided, or any other equivalent document, required at:

Photo by: Jonatan Pie

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